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How to Display Photos Taken Through Ubiqod?

When used with simple QR codes or secured QR codes through Ubiqod Key, the Ubiqod platform enables photo capture.

This functionality is useful for numerous use cases, including:

Images that clarify the nature of an incident in case of problem reporting

Random verification of a participant’s identity (this case is subject to the laws of your country)

Photo Format

The photos are sent in jpg format, encoded in base64 text. To display an image from this text, you will need to use this text and apply transformations.

Utilization with Google Sheets

Sending the photo to a cell

If you are using the Google Sheet connector, you can send the image to a cell, just like any other Ubiqod field.

Example of configuration in Google Sheets / dispatch:

Column mapping and Google Sheets template for pictures

However, be careful to limit the resolution of the photos as much as possible to avoid overloading your spreadsheet. We recommend deleting the photo (i.e., the text content of the cell containing the photo) after verification.

You should truncate the column containing the raw image in Google Sheets (select the column, and use the format menu).

Displaying the Photo with a Script

To display the photo:

Open the Extension / Apps Script menu of Google Sheets

Add this code to the Code.gs file (replace “C” by the column where your Photo Data is located, for instance “G”):

function onOpen() {
    .addItem('Show Photo', 'showPicture')

function showPicture() {
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive(), aRow = ss.getActiveCell().getRow();
  var dataUri = ss.getRange("C" + aRow).getValue()
  var html = HtmlService.createHtmlOutput("<img src='" + dataUri + "' />")
    .setTitle("Picture of line: " + String(aRow));


Return to your spreadsheet

Reload the page.

Select (click) the line for which you want to display the photo.

Click on Show Photo in the Ubiqod menu (which should appear when you have reloaded the page)

You should achieve this:

Base64 picture visualization in Google Sheets

This method is particularly suited to identity verification. However, when it is necessary to store photos for later use (such as delivery slips), implementing a script that stores photos in Google Drive and provides a link to each file in a cell may be preferable.

Utilization through webhooks, Zapier, or Make

When using webhooks, Zapier, or Make, the photo will need to be converted in your tools. Do not hesitate to consult your IT specialist to carry out this operation.

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